Friday, May 16, 2014

Enjoy the smallest things in life

I came home after a busy day and just sat in front of my laptop. There was something special about today. A golden beam just struck through the window and glowed where I sat. I suddenly realised this is not the first time; I see it everyday. But how many times have I taken the courage to go out and feel it?

I went to the balcony and watched the sun sinking down. It was mesmerising. Here's how it was captured through the lens of my phone. (This is nowhere near when you actually feel it)

Here's an extra: On the way to my room, I also met this lovely couple of parrots :)

You may be a busy, powerful or a wealthy person. But remember, if you don't enjoy even the slightest thing in your life, one day you may look back and regret your own life. 

Have a great day people!

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